FCS House System

FCS House System

What is a house system?

A house system is a traditional feature of schools in England. In a house system, the school is divided into smaller units or “houses” with each student in the school assigned to one of the houses.

Why a house system?

The House System provides the framework for caring for students, encourages participation in sporting and cultural extra-curricular activities, encourages participation in academic activities, and promotes leadership development.
The House System promotes a good-natured rivalry between House teams to see who will win the House Trophy each year. Points towards this prize accumulate from the various sporting and cultural and academic competitions that are held throughout the year.
By setting up a House System, we fully believe that strong house loyalty and a sense of fun and friendly competition will capture the school atmosphere.
During the year, the Houses compete against each other in a number of activities which may change from year to year. Some of these activities are listed below:

  • Physical activity competitions
  • Organization of Sports Events (athletics, soccer, volleyball, basketball etc.)
  • Participation in before and after school physical activities
  • Community outreach - Volunteerism
  • Contribution to school Culture
  • Building projects at the school (e.g. Science fair competition, history fair)

Benefits of a house system

  •  Builds a sense of community & school spirit
  •  Builds relationships that promote camaraderie, empathy, and school spirit
  •  All students feel a sense of inclusion
  •  Provides peer support
  • Builds interpersonal skills within groups of students of varying ages

House System Culture
The purpose of each house is to guide and support the academic, social, and personal development of each student during their time at school.
House leaders will build strong partnerships with students and families, through small “Family units” to help them relate in a more positive way to life in school. The concept of the 'Family Unit' is further reinforced by the fact that all families are placed into the same House group. The sense of “family” in each of the 4 houses will promote a feeling of identity and belonging.
House Meetings will be held at random times during the school year to introduce new activities. 


1. Each student will be placed into one of four Houses

  • House of Alteri: Latin for altruism - caring deeply for others and choosing to uplift them when needed, House Verse: 1 Peter 3:8
  • House of Fortitudo: Latin for courage or fortitude - strength of mind that allows one to stand with courage during times of trouble, House Verse: 2 Timothy 1:7
  • House of Humanitas: Latin for kindness - having sympathy and compassion for others, House Verse: 1 Corinthians 13:4
  • House of Concordia: Latin for unity - recognizing that the uniqueness and differences of others is a strength; learning from one another and working together, House Verse: Romans 15:5-6


2. Houses are broken up into mixed genders ranging from 1st-12th.

3. At the beginning of the academic year the new students are assigned to one of the houses and meetings will be held to elect House Captains.

4. The House Captains will be responsible for organizing house teams for the wide variety of house activities that take place throughout the year. Each appointment will be for 1 year depending on the outcome of a re-election at the start of the next year. 

5. Class teachers will help in the election process.

House Teams

The House team will consist of:

  1. Head of House (teacher), who will ensure that all House activities are organized properly.
  2. All teachers, aides and secretaries are assigned to a House!
  3. Each House will also consist of a boy and girl House Captain and Vice-Captain.


Examples of Academic Competitions

  • Quizzes
  • Essays
  • Poetry
  • Creative writing
  • Posters

Examples of Social Competitions

  • Organize events
  • Initiatives to support other students
  • Game tournaments (ping pong? Kickball, etc.)


House groups can also be used to:

  • To welcome visitors to the school
  • Represent FCS at functions
  • Co-ordinate activities around the school or sporting events
  • Develop a sense of ownership at FCS
  • Develop a sense of responsibility for their part of the school (Cleanliness, visual presentation, and improvement projects)

Obtaining House Points

Personal House Points (Merit Based):

Merits will be awarded to students who do extra things in and outside of the school. For example, students who help organize activities in school, also for students who make a significant contribution to their community, as well as student’s whose work gets sent out of school for assessment by Local, Provincial or Federal agencies (writing competitions, art competitions, etc.).

Physical Activity House Points:

  • Points will also be awarded for physical activity games and competitions within the school.
  • Any student that participates in extra-curricular activities will also receive points for participation to go towards their house.

Academic Competition House Points:

  • Points will also be awarded for Academic competitions within the school. For example the Science Fair points will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each age group category etc.
  • A student that participates in an optional academic activity will also receive points for his or her house.
  • Houses will receive points for each student who achieves honor roll in all four marking periods.

Student Council Competitions:

Each student that participates in school-wide activities organized by the Student Council receives points for participation for their House. In some cases students are also awarded with points for winning these competitions (e.g. competitions during Spirit Week).
House of the Month
 The House with the most points accumulated within a month will be allocated bonus points as the House of the Month.

All points contribute to the overall House competition, and an update of the Championship table (to be posted outside the school office).

At the end of the year the House with the most points will be declared the winner during Awards Day at the end of the school year and receive the House Trophy for the year.


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